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Banjo / Marijuana is made from hemp tree, what are the benefits of this plant that you do not recognize?

The first thing Ateward to your mind when you mention the name of the cannabis plantis a drug which is which Kalpanju or marijuana, but today we're going more in benefitsthis plant specifically for that, including surprising is the oldest and the earliest plantsdomesticated that benefited humans in history and dates back use of cannabis plantsby humans to more than 10 thousand years in Taiwan for the purpose of life anddifferent industry was also surprised that the future of saving rainforests in the land ofchopping large part of the dissolved lies in the hands of the cannabis plant!.

Excellence cannabis plants as a strong resistance to pests and diseases of agricultural and
prevents Baria soil ground and the proportion of production for oxygenand treatment of carbon dioxide relatively higher than some of the plants, and is considered one of the best plants in the securities industry, napkins and productscartoon different if I knew that the 100 square meters of cannabis plants (which aregrown in one season) produces paper products more than 400 square meters of trees(It took decades to grow even).

Characterized by the cannabis plant Bolaaffh numerous and powerful as the following picture.

Because of the density of the fibers and their high quality, they have been used in the past on a large scale and so far, but relatively less in textile fabrics and ropes made ​​ofhemp processing is quite similar to linen fabric.

The use of cannabis is also in the food industry Approximately 44% of the weight of the hemp seed is oil Edible and contain these oils to 80% of essential fatty acids Khamad flax oil or linoleic acid is one of the essential fatty acids because the body can not manufacture and also fatty acids omega - 6 The list also and a lot of amino acids when compared to the most famous sources of protein such as meat, milk, eggs, soy, Cannabis contains all the amino acids of the 21 known amino include the 9 core that can not be produced by the human body's. Vpkl shortcut only 15 ml of hemp oil provides all the necessary rights of essential fatty acids him.Next image of milk Powered cannabis.

Hemp seeds.

Hemp fiber is also used in industry in the stones used in the construction and also insound insulation and thermal efficiency of which is high that surpasses the rest of thematerials and the following pictures for examples of a variety of building materials forthe use of cannabis. 
Stone building made ​​of hemp in France.

Laundry from hemp.

Thermal insulation of hemp.

The lining of the internal processing of hemp for the car door.

Rolling papers made ​​entirely from hemp fiber.

Due to the ease of processing hemp forms of the drug, the majority of countries around the world prohibit cultivation and trading fully, but in some European countriesand Canada are issuing permits under the Misuse of Drugs Act for the cultivation of cannabis to benefit Industrial him, and called hemp grown for industrial purposeshemp industry.
And since you are fine.

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