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How do you discover friends interest to protect yourself against them

How to discover friends interest in knowing the qualities which combine them. It may be difficult to recognize. But there is not always credible lies behind every smiling face. And in a world where treachery and deceit are the very ordinary things is always good to know the type of people that are confused by their intentions and that was really good fact or not.
False friends exist equally, if not more than real friends. But as is the case in the finest pieces of silver or gold will be very difficult to know whether the original. In fact, I am ready to bet on in the case that there is within your department very close friends more than a few individuals counterfeiters and ghost as is always the case.
Interest friends
The following are some ways to know if you are dealing with a false friend?

1 _ selfish behavior
Imaginary friends tend to be one-dimensional. They think of their needs and they are very oblivious to the needs of others. Only call you if they want or need something and do not ever apologize for this. If not your friends see you worthy enough to talk with you in times of need is thee only. Faqatahm!
2 _ gossip and drama
As my mother used to say; talked about if one of you, they speak "about you" with another person, by nine out of ten. Gossiping bad thing .fahi pot fluctuates from drama generates energy foul. It hurt others and it is possible that in the long run make you look and feel bad. A sure sign that your friends are not your friends is that you are more gossip when you are with them.
A true friend does not feel Bannae when survival Bjawark constantly to Tzlatk and talk in a variety of topics. A true friend is also not allowed to, or for any other one to speak negatively about you and you are not in them to defend yourself.
3 _ you should wear a mask while you are with them
If you feel that you have to be someone other than your character's natural presence during Friends There is a possibility that they are friends is Hakiqin you. We all know that feeling.When you go out with these people and feel like you need to speak or appear differently until a suitable.
4 _ lies and competition
Friends counterfeiters usually ashamed of what they are. They hate anything and everything to do with credibility. Valokaveb is what makes them feel good about themselves. This kind of friends also feel the need to permanently your competition.
For example; Let's say you went to buy new clothes, and I received some praise from people.Someone asks where you purchased your clothes? After you answer the question politely, notice how quickly progresses fake friend to talk about the new clothes bought. And will be remembered everything about her, such as price, brand, shop and even the name of the seller, is essentially speaks for purchases and shows that his taste in fashion Aktar elegance of your purchases. And this will be a bit strange because it did not ask for one from the asset purchases.
Chose to post the happy news with a friend does not have reacted the permanent pay him or herself says, "I am too." Finds no payment for the feeling that you have to compete with your friend or vice versa must be on a No. Beauty truth to get opinions trotted them about themselves than others.
We are what we are on it. There is no minimum benefit from the synthesis of fabricating lies and illusions. Even if they make other people love you more, they love "Tzaivk" and is more grief from football people to your truth.
5 _ not happy when you achieve something great
When your friend deliberately say something negative or insulting every time you have a happy news to say it, or have achieved something great, this is not a true friend. Real friends are always supportive and involved with words of encouragement. They also deny themselves - they see your talents expected, even when you can not see that you are in yourself. Note their reaction and their movements, see if they are honest. 85% of communication is not to speak of this will be easy to read what inside them.
Friends are more than just good company. They are influential people in your life. Can have an impact, whether negative or Ajaba. They are supportive and loving even if there was no indifference they play a big role in how your vision and your interaction with the world.
Be the person you want, you will attract people with the same beliefs, choices, values, ... .etc.Truth always appear.

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