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The subconscious mind

Your subconscious mind is the part of your mind that stores your beliefs , past experiences, your talents, all positions, which faced and all the pictures I've seen in your life. Best example to understand the subconscious is learning to drive.In the beginning, be fully conscious of everything that is happening around you while driving and to you lead with your mind Allowaay.bad several weeks you find yourself driving automatically without any reflection in the movement of movement as the KMT do previously, and so you become leads using your subconscious mind, which Storage driving skill and became used When Alazm.

Your subconscious mind is responsible for your feelings

Your subconscious mind is responsible for all of those feelings that suddenly launches, for example, you feel worried before your bid to the topic publicly or fear of a specific animal responsible for your subconscious mind. On the other hand, the conscious mind is responsible for all the things you do and you are conscious, such as the account, thinking and breathing Aharkh.vmthela controlled by your subconscious mind because it happens without interference from you, but if you stepped in and control your breath then will be in your conscious mind is Controlled?

How to program your subconscious mind?

I also saw a short while ago, the driving skill, but what is the program record your subconscious mind and became overspread when necessary, and the same thing happens for the feelings, when people yell in your face and your subconscious mind, the program is called anger stored before. Using Bermjtk to your subconscious mind, you can change the Ststia many recipes that are not interested in yourself, they are not only recorded programs can be adjusted. You can program the subconscious mind through hypnosis by suggesting, ls.
Your subconscious mind responds to repeat more responds to logic, and so you can convince people by repeating the information, even that was not convinced by and that is why it is essential that advertisements television returned again and again, despite some major companies may not be protesting the announcement. For more information about this read these articles, the subconscious mind and repetition and how to convince people think .

The laws of the subconscious mind

If you want to use all the forces of your subconscious mind, you must first know how it works. Governs the subconscious mind some of the laws, if well-known Vststtia best used on the face. Link on the bottom of the page contains all the details related to the laws of the subconscious mind.

Defense systems to your subconscious mind

Like what the body has a system's defenses against disease, the subconscious mind has a defense system against trauma . Defense system that believes in you to deal with the shocks of life as much as possible and with the surrounding Agheirat may affect your mental health.

How do you use your conscious mind and your subconscious mind along

I also saw the subconscious mind and your conscious mind Ikunan team. Vaklk conscious undertakes then be assigned to your mind then Alebatmn to be stored there, and the subconscious mind in turn sends messages in the form of feelings of the conscious mind as a way to tell him whether he satisfied with his actions or not. If you can use both of your subconscious mind and your conscious mind, the result will be a tight control over your feelings and your actions and thus a better life.

Feelings asked about your subconscious mind

Your subconscious mind is responsible for all the feelings that began to feel a sense of anxiety before a certain position down to a sense of inferiority. All the emotions that you feel stems from previous experience, your past experiences and past. Once you find a similar situation came to him by the so-called mind feelings similar to those felt when faced with the situation the first time. For example, that had been the enemies of a particular person in the dark worshiped yourself relive the same feelings of fear whenever you find yourself in the dark. Your subconscious mind is responsible for all those feelings and who is fired, that has succeeded in finding a certain way to communicate with your subconscious mind, there is a great possibility that you can control your feelings.
Attempt to control the emotions through reasoning or willpower will not work, because it means Aluahadh control is the address where the subconscious mind. For example, that I kept saying to yourself before a job interview you should not be afraid this will not work and will not prevent feelings of fear of appearing. You can address your subconscious mind through hypnosis and suggesting is a way will allow you to send messages that you want to your subconscious mind, either receiving messages is happening through dreams, Vaklk subconscious sends you messages through the characters you see in your dreams in order to inform you of the problems faced.


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