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Did you know this valuable information ?

Some plants Ahdit to Western ways to stay alive, the Australian Vnepth Abannvsah need to fire in the woods until the crack and graduated pills to grow.
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Scientists have discovered that Rose West, which they called (Rose Fire) and of the most prominent characteristics that they do not burn, if exposed to a lighted match, but issued by the flames of a blue color lasts a few moments.
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That flower Alervaisaa, such as meat rotting smell, which attracts flies to contributing in
vaccinated, the largest flower FBI world.
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That designation honeymoon launched from Romania, where it is the custom to drink newlyweds honey mixed with water at marriage and a whole month, and then spread the habit to European countries, and from there to parts of the world. So Pat called the first month of the age of marriage: the honeymoon, Even though the couple did not drink honey!
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The April Fools (April) is a French origin, gave the King of France, Charles X in 1564, is to transfer the holiday New Year, which was the first in April, the first in January (January) of each year, hence, became the first of April, feast false calls and false and fake.
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The oldest clock in the world are Chinese-made hour (Ling Stan) in 760 AD, the oldest hour or linger to this day it is an hour Salisbury Cathedral (Ajltara) and manufacture date back to the year 1386, was renewed in 1956.
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That women on the island (Dominica) in the Atlantic Ocean speak a language different from the language spoken by men.
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The biggest criminal in history is the Countess Bathuri 1560-1614, which committed 610 murders were more victims than girls who live in the areas adjacent to the palace.
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That (Baiqrla us) is the most women in the world where divorce divorced 16 times and stated that when they leave the court she broke the noses of the five ex-husbands.
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That (Miriam Hargraf) deposited 39 times in test driving a car even succeeded in forty time.
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The months of Bela swords in the world is the Irish (Alex Lenton) and a length of 160 cm was swallowing a sword length 68 cm, and is considered the most famous and largest charlatans in the world.
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The smaller the Pope in history arrived to the Holy See is (sons of the ninth), who was appointed in 1032 AD at the age of 12 years.
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The smaller the author is publishing his British small (Gagne Atxion), who wrote the story of the captain at the age of five and a half years.
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The Pomaks is the name given to the Bulgarians who converted to Islam after distinguish them as a separate group, despite their ethnic Bulgarian.
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Damascus that was included in the tenth century and one of the best hospitals in the world and was followed by the Faculty of Medical and Library
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Did you know that the first suit draped from the fire is the devil.
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Did you know that the first to respond to the Prophet basin are the people of his home and love him from his nation.
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Did you know that the first to say: After .. David, peace be upon him and is to separate the speech.
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Did you know that the first of the books (SWT) is the son of David Solomon peace be upon them.
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Did you know that the first of the young Abraham when he saw the gray hair and said: O Lord, what this said: Waqar said ..: O Zdni and dignified.
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Did you know that the first of the safest from the Arabs after the protagonists are the people of Yemen and the people of Bahrain Abdul Qais.
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Did you know that the first prince in Islam is Abdullah bin colt.
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Did you know that the first thing that emerged from the faith Negus amended and hardness in his religion.
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Did you know that the first permits on the Day of Judgment is the path of the Prophet peace be upon him.
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Did you know that the first suit draped from the fire is the devil.
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Did you know that the first pointed to the fragmentation of gravel in the bladder are Arab doctors.
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Did you know that if the nail surgically removed or lost for any reason, it takes a hundred days in order to return as they were again.
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Did you know that urine retention in the body leads to a high percentage of urea and the occurrence of poisoning called (boolean poisoning).
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Did you know that the number of hours of sleep in humans range of between 7: 8 hours a day we spend no more than one-third of life sleeping Man who lived sixty years .. Nam, of which about twenty years.
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Did you know that the thickness human skin no more than 2 mm, and the thickness of elephant skin is 25 mm, and the human skin contains several thousands of glands that secrete sweat while elephant skin is free from these glands except eyelids eyes.
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Did you know that the average man walking at a rate of 20 thousand steps a day .. any in during 80 years have cruised around the world six times.
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Did you know that the heart is affected body size, number of normal human heart beat eighty beats a minute .. and the elephant in the 25 beats a minute .. and the mouse 700 beats a minute .. The heart of the number of bird strikes in 1000 beats a minute.
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Did you know that a newborn baby crying in the average duration of 113 minutes a day .. and tears secreted by greatly help public health care ..
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Did you know that coral is extracted from the Mediterranean Sea The Red Sea is more sea coral reef is full and there are three types of coral are red and black and yellow.
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Did you know that Sapphire Hamwi is a world of Old Arabic linguists and literature.
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Did you know that one of the first al-Razi, who referred to the plastic surgery as a branch of surgery.
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Did you know that the first pointed to the fragmentation of gravel in the bladder are Arab doctors.
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Did you know that loving the darkness of three animals: albums and the bat and the mole.
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Did you know that there is a rat called as the (rat Peixas) kills poisonous reptiles automatically as soon as it approached him.
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Did you know that the San cat medical Permanent weapon is filled with venom glands secrete a liquid disinfectant and baptizing the cat to his wound Velhsh several times until healed.
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Did you know that people with pride in three animals: the horse and rooster and peacock.
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Did you know that people with hearing three units: the dog and the donkey and the mole.
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Did you know that dolphin brains bigger and more complex than the human brain as it inhales water once every five minutes so it appears on the surface of the water, but too much and drowned.
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Did you know that the first of the young Abraham when he saw the gray hair and said: O Lord, what this said: Waqar said ..: O Zdni and dignified.
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Did you know that the first of the safest from the Arabs after the protagonists are the people of Yemen and the people of Bahrain Abdul Qais.
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Did you know that tears contain chemicals analgesic secreted by the brain when a human cry. Did you know that the liver is the only member who can transform the proteins and the content of amino acids to glucose or sugar.
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Did you know that the most important function of the spleen is to smash the balls, hit by a bloody red pyramid and the deficit and shared in this task liver.
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Did you know that eating fava beans prevents heart attacks .. It eliminates the high cholesterol in the blood .. and thus lowers eating fava beans one percent of the materials that lead to hardening of the arteries.
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Did you know that the strongest muscle in the human body is the jaw muscle.
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Did you know that the body is likely to heat up to 128 degrees Celsius.
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Did you know that some vegetables such as cucumber, eggplant can have a harmful effect on humans, where research has proven that option if the shift in color from greenish to yellow resulted in materials with no toxic effect on humans also demonstrated that gherkin time shaped crooked toxic effect on humans .. and this toxic substance found in the heart of the gherkin .. As research has proven that eating eggplant frequently affects the nervous system of the human being.
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Did you know that fruit juice alone or blender and must be addressed in case it displays Waiting Viaminach to air oxidation as some species that spoil quickly, and in the forefront of carrot juice Did you know that the fluid surrounding the eyes and which is known as the tears is the most powerful disinfectant.
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Did you know that the highest price of the animal is what pushed American millionaire (Bear Monte Morgan) price for a dog won the prize game (Jermal) for dogs where Millionaire Show 865000 pounds a price for the dog.
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Did you know that the first prince in Islam is Abdullah bin colt.
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Did you know that the first thing that emerged from the faith Negus amended and hardness in his religion
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Did you know that in the human body more than two million sweat glands secrete the amount of sweat, ranging from half a liter to a liter and a half every 24 hours non-stop in the summer and winter with the effort and movement with the rise in temperature.
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Did you know that when a person speaks, it uses 44 muscles and gets angry when he used muscle and 23 musculorum only when smiling during sleep and relax muscle 357
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Did you know that the oldest carpet in the world is made of lint and wool in shades of red and white was discovered in 1947 and dating back to the fifth century BC and are currently in the city (Leningrad).
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Did you know that the largest desert in the world with an area of ​​eight million kilometers and is sub-Saharan
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Did you know that the gravity on the moon is equal to one-sixth gravity on Earth
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Did you know that it is not the moon's atmosphere and mountains cover most of its surface
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Did you know that the number of machines that are used to cut the grass in the United States 70 million machine and these machines cause pollution to the environment caused by the equivalent of 30 million car
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Did you know that the number of soldiers of the French campaign on Egypt 36 thousand troops
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Did you know that the regime in Imperial Japan
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Did you know that then determine Longitude GMT 1884
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Did you know that the time that the Crusaders occupied Jerusalem is 88 years old
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Did you know that there is a baby Korean IQ reached 210 degrees and the age of the child for six years and is speaking four languages ​​(Korean, English, Italian and Japanese) can also resolve issues of complex calculations on TV .. working parents of this child's professors at the university and strange coincidence that they were born in one day in one hour where the eleventh hour before noon on May 23, 1934 AD The Intelligent His name their son (Kim Jong).
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Did you know that the Abbasid Caliph Billah is the eighth son of Harun al-Rashid and father of eight boys and eight girls and had been sentenced for eight years and eight months and eight days
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Did you know that the amount of bread thrown in the trash each year than the French is 400 thousand tons
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Did you know that the eagle live a hundred years, on average, more than thirty years.Did you know that the age of the monkey's
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Did you know that the first announcement in the history of the house in the form of poetry, organized by the poet Rabia Ben Amer, nicknamed Baldrama attended him a force all traders complain that sells mufflers except the black did not buy it .. a poet and wrote a poem and sent it to one of the unsung poets .. and wrote in the opening lines: Say to Maliha Muffler in black .. why did Ibnask worshiper. ,,, And to spread this poem did not remain one did not buy black veil Vnfzt mufflers with each merchant, but it is sold at a high price ...
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Did you know that the first naval battle is Muslim (Sawari) that took place in the Mediterranean between the Muslims and the Byzantines in the era of Uthman bin Affan year 34 AH and won by Muslims
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Did you know that the first walked in outer space is a Russian (Alexei Leonov) in June 1965 AD
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Did you know that (nystagmus) means moving the eyes and managed to pay consideration to the target.
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Did you know that the dog can hear the clock ticking on a 40-ft.
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Did you know that the harshest elements on earth is the diamond.
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Did you know that the ant can carry 50 times its weight.
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Did you know that the other name.
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Did you know that the amount of iron in human blood is equal to the size of a nail.
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Did you know that the total length of the blood vessels in the adult human who weighs 50 kg about a hundred thousand kilometers, enough to wrap the globe at the equator twice and half the total area of ​​the surfaces of these vessels about 6300 square meters.
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Did you know that a medical research proved that women outperform men in the sense of smell.
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Did you know that first discovered the micro-circulation in humans is Ibn al-Nafis.
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Did you know that the first of the viability of said solid organ in the body Kalazam of inflammation and tumors of inflation and is the son of O.
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Did you know that the largest blocks of gold ore have been found in Australia and Brazil
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Did you know that the female of wild animals and if you put to her son flies in the air for days of evasion by powdering and ants as they put a piece of meat they are afraid of him powdering and ants and flies are still put and move from place to place until it becomes
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Did you know that the American alligator and crocodile and African seahorse spend periods of sleep at a time Ttafoa it on the water, especially when the water is warm and she loves to be assigned to the emergence of fellow heads
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Did you know that the mother cat gives birth three times a year and give birth from 15:20 puss, and most people do not want to be in contention cats homes and so they distribute to third parties .. or .. Agrkonha
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Did you know that the number of head hair is about 120 thousand hair in the head .. and sound whenever the hair was thin and more .. blond hair more than black hair and red hair is generally less dense as a 90 thousand hair .. and this number is generally renewed year during the five years since falling every day between 50: 60 hair.
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Did you know that the brain needs to be one-sixth of the amount of blood pumped by the heart and five oxygen that enters the body .. despite the fact that the brain does not weigh more than one-fiftieth of the whole body
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Did you know that there is in the human body about 32 billion cell
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Did you know that the number of strings of a violin four.
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Did you know that the Chinese Aaoklon bread.
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Did you know that Einstein studied mathematics when he was a young man in Switzerland.
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Did you know that glass building known for its name at United Nations Headquarters in New York.
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Did you know that the Pharaohs were firing on the disease schistosomiasis ah ah ah.
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Did you know that corn Arab world and who was assassinated in Paris is Yahya brace.
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# 2
Post: Did you know????????

Did you know that corn Arab world and who was assassinated in Paris is Yahya brace.
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Did you know that the philosopher who was known as the philosopher of the will "is Schopenhauer."
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Did you know that "Blaise Pascal" invented the first calculator in 1642 to help his father on the collection of taxes.
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Did you know that the elephant smell human after half a kilometer.
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Did you know that the Eagles do not die, but they commit suicide because of the disease.
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Did you know that the smallest bird in the world is the bird fly.
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Did you know that the shortest time play in the world amounted to 30 seconds.
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Did you know that the gravity on the moon is equal to one-sixth gravity on Earth.
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Did you know that it is not the moon's atmosphere and mountains cover most of its surface.
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Did you know that the largest desert in the world with an area of ​​eight million kilometers and is the Sahara desert.
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Did you know that the regime in Imperial Japan.
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Did you know that the time that the Crusaders occupied Jerusalem is 88 years old.
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Did you know that the amount of bread thrown in the trash each year than the French is 400 thousand tons.
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Did you know that the Abbasid Caliph Billah is the eighth son of Harun al-Rashid and father of eight boys and eight girls and had been sentenced for eight years and eight months and eight days.
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Did you know that the eagle live a hundred years.
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Did you know that more men than women in the risk of gout.
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Did you know that the elephant smell human after half a kilometer
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Did you know that the Eagles do not die, but they commit suicide due to illness
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Did you know that the smallest bird in the world is the bird fly.
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The longer live in the world with a height of about two meters, born giraffe?
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That the sun's rays to destroy some bacteria and fungi that grow in human skin, as they make white blood cells largest active and provide the body with vitamin "C" is necessary for the growth and health of bones and teeth?
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The juice from the orange peel is considered highly flammable materials?
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The first type of spinach greens defined rights?
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The dolphin sleeps with one eye?
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The bats remain in the air after her death as a result of hardening of the tentacles.
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That dogs use their sense of smell to eat their food in fishing and in recognition of its enemies.
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The oldest city in the world the city of Jericho in Palestine dating back to the Stone Age.
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That smaller birds hummingbird and the largest bird ostrich.
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That of the eight-legged spider and eight eyes.
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That the speed of the thickness of the sea sword of up to 95 kilometers per hour.
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The cheetah can run at speeds in excess of 110 kilometers per hour.
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That Alexander built 70 cities during his short reign.
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That the weight of the muscles in the human body up to 40 percent of the weight, while 15 percent of the weight of the bone. Peace be upon him
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The number of bones of the human body is 206.
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Eucalyptus tree that longer deployed in South Australia could be up to 95 meters.
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That sloth who lives in South and Central America live 18 hours a day sleeping.
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Most of the animals that recognize their young through the sense of smell.
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I knew that the human cement by about 2,500 years BC days and then the Romans industry evolved later.
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That Prince Philip, husband of Britain's Queen is Greece.
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Napoleon divorced his wife "Josephine" in 1809 due to lack of giving birth.
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Newton's law that "every action has a reaction similar to it in his power and counter trend" is the third law of Newton.
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Alawdaj that swell of anger.
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The spice is extracted from all parts of the tree, from the leaves, buds and stems ... etc..
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Builder aware that as the father of black Aldala.
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The poet sword and the pen, the title given to the Abufras Hamdani.
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The comedian Charlie Chaplin Film Festival kicked out of America.
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That the production of soap is one of the food industry
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The philosopher and physician Ibn Tufail rejected a request to explain the Emiri wrote Aristotle.
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That the Sudanese city of Halfa High Dam flooded.
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That the number of the kings of Egypt who knew the "Ptolemy" 16 king.
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That "protoplasm bin Aeham" is the last king of Ghassanid, died in Constantinople in 641 AD.
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That the true origin of the character "Santa Claus" was in "Finland".
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The greeting is among Indians to "join hands".
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That there is some sort of coniferous trees in America, with an altitude of more than a hundred meters, and its environs about thirty-three meters.
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The biggest star in the universe is (Eiselon) as a diameter of 4 billion kilometers, and can accommodate a range of solar Bmitrha.
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In India there is a small type of bird known as (Hey Nina) speaks fluent outweigh the parrot.
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The natural reservoirs for the ducks near the ears contain Zeta special spreads on their bodies is not affected by water.
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That there is in the body of Ghazal elsewhere to breathe is nostrils, has long these places so as not to strain himself if he was forced to flee.
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That the shortest bone in the human body is the stapes bone in the middle ear, if its length ranges between 6 and 2.4 and 3 mm.
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That the biggest prison in the world is the prison of Kharkov in Russia, which expands the number of over 40,000 prisoners.
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The roles upside down when the sea horse, he though it is practiced role of the father seriously incomplete, but it makes their young himself, for if you are a female put their eggs inside the pocket in the belly of her partner, then becomes pregnant and is showing symptoms of pregnancy and childbirth as well, and lost between 200 and 00births. * Strait of Gibraltar with a width of 15 km.
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Tower of Pisa Batalia towards the south.
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Plush flower in the world Ravlesia Ertoldi up to two meters in diameter and weighs seven kilograms. This flower bloom and grow completed within hours to sprout like mushrooms which is on the island of Java.
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That some of China's population boasts a meal they consider to great occasions and consists of silkworm.
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According to authors of the ants they see as the best of the Senegalese offer them at all.
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It is found in the Antilles tribes of Negroes language spoken by men differs from the language of women.
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That the dog can live in an environment of temperature 160 degrees below zero.
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The strangest hat in the world are those worn by the children of the tribe (Kiqak Noir) African, they are made of mud and prohibits them throughout bestowed age.
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The penguin, a bird that is not only builds its nest but lay their eggs in the female bird's cavity in the abdomen and carry their young in the same place.
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The Eagles do not demonstrate their young, but when he feels that his son could eagle to fly himself and his scheming, threw him out of the nest by force.
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The languages ​​spoken in the world of not less than 2796 languages, most notably the 48 languages ​​in Europe .103 in Asia 0.118 Africa 0.424 in the Americas and 117 islands in the ocean.
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The Female Scorpio devour her husband after cross-pollination?
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That most of the fish that live in the depths of the deep to be blind?
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That human nails changed 160 times during the 70 years of live human?
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There are spiders that do not grow in size from a grain of sand, and these spiders weave the tapestry of filaments of accuracy and one-on-four thousand of the thickness of a human hair?
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The experiments proved that the left ear in general?
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That bats are not birds because they reproduce by birth and suckle their children from her breasts, they range mammals.
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That rodent teeth do not stop growing because they consume because of the constant nibbling the bark of trees and plants to the next.
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That cm (Cobra) is so deadly that one gram of it can kill a human being and that the 150 touching this article can make a man into a coma long.
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That females are the only bees that work while males remain in the cell and do not do anything major scientific and mission in life is to fertilize the queen at the time of marriage.
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That malaria is transmitted by female mosquitoes to humans Alonovia without a male and a female in order to contain the absorbent needle piercing.
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That 20 percent of the human brain is totally devoid of brain cells even in the best of people's health.
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The Library University of Cordoba in Andalusia Arab they contain more than 400 thousand books.

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