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Did you know the common causes for anorexia?

Often occurs as a result of loss of appetite feeling bored,
 unity, or depression.

However, there are other reasons you should bear in mind:

• can cause nausea medication or a slight loss of appetite, and the problem can be solved by changing the dose or switch to another medication, ask your doctor for advice.
• can cause chronic disease has not been diagnosed with a loss of appetite, and ifthere was no other explanation, ask your doctor whether there is a need for a thorough medical examination.
• stronger appetite Exercise and Sport, and the elderly who are living lives of inertShahytm be weak.
• problems with teeth (including dentures is appropriate) can make eating an orderraised frustration, if you suspect that the problem experienced by the teeth may be the reason you lose interest in the food, go to the dentist to be examined.

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