May return the acidity for several reasons, but the reason in most cases is the refluxacid, meaning that some juices, digestive, usually found in the stomach move up fromyour stomach to the esophagus, which is the channel that runs from your mouth toyour stomach, these include juices hydrochloric acid, a substance that causescorrosion used to clean metals in the industry, while the stomach lining protector so as not eroded by the acid, the esophagus, has no such lining, and for this reason, thestomach acid that moves to the top of the stomach causes heartburn and sometimesintense burning sensation to the point make you think that you have a heart attack .
What causes high gastric juices?
Perhaps you think that the reason is overeating, but this is not the only reason.
Unfortunately, some people suffering from acidity, even if not abandon eating, and forall people who suffer from acidity and need to know how the acidity occur? And how to turn off their fire? We resort to the experts
Do not over-eating
May rushes gastric acid into the esophagus when the food the stomach too much,whenever your stomach is filled with food, whenever bounced a larger amount ofacid. There may be many reasons behind the acidity, but for people who get themfrom time to time, the reason is usually over food and speed to handle.
Do not lie flat on your back
You feel that you are not feeling well, you want to lie down, do not do this. If youAddjat, gravity will run against you and not in your favor, if I sat upright Most probably, the acid found Bmadtk will keep stable in the stomach.
The water does not go up to a higher level and not too sour, and when the head of the bed lying Increase distance of ten centimeters to fifteen centimeters. You can do thisput wood cut down the column bed or upsize ranked at the head of the bed, and you can not achieve the purpose of the development of more pillows, put the bed tiltedwill reduce the incidence of heartburn.
Taking anti-acidity
The drugs Almhima sold without a prescription are usually effective and safe, and wehope to do so.
Antacids, which won recognition from the experts is the most common names, which are all drugs that medical bulletins remember they are made from a combination ofmagnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide, (the first and the second cause constipation causes diarrhea, and two communities are being treated for the side effects of each other).
Although the mixture has relatively devoid of any side effects, but he would prefer not to deal with these antibiotics for more than a month or two months. It is very effectiveto the extent that it may mask the presence of disease requires the attention of a doctor.
Experts agree that liquid antacids, although it is not suitable, such as disks, but it ismore effective in general.
The antacids that are sold without a doctor's prescription, such as Maalox usually cause rapid comfort of acidity.
Do not increase your problem by following the advice of the error
Maybe you've heard that things, such as yogurt and mint, useful for acidity, make sure that that offers you advice, do not try to fool you, what harm in eating yogurt or mint?Mint is one of the many foods that work to satisfy the diaphragm muscle (a small LEDthat works to save the acid in your stomach), a small cap, which is often protect youfrom acidity even when over-eat.
What's the harm in eating yogurt? Damage is: that fat and protein and calciumpresent milk inspire the stomach acid secretion.
Some recommend eating yogurt for the treatment of acidity, but there is a problem in this regard, Valbann leaves you feeling comfortable and drink, but it stimulates the secretion of acid in the stomach.
Other foods that cause relaxation of the diaphragm, and should be avoided to reduce the acidity or prevention, including tomatoes, beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages.
Reduce the intake of caffeine
May cause drinks that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea, cola and irritation of the esophagus infected inflammation, and that caffeine leads to relaxation of the diaphragm muscle.
Avoid the worst candy in the world
What is the food that should be avoided by any other food then suffer from acidity?It's chocolate! Desserts cause pain for patients with diploid acidity, because it isalmost fat, and contain caffeine, and chocolate addicts, there is good news, despite the fact that white chocolate, although it is rich in fat, they contain a small amount ofcaffeine.
Be sure to inhale fresh air
It does not matter whether smoke your cigarettes or cigarette smoke someone else,but it is important not to inhale, because it works on the diaphragm muscle relaxationand increases the secretion of acid.
He declined to carbonated water
All these small gas bubbles in carbonated water may cause stretch your stomach,and have the same effect over the food on the diaphragm muscle.
Refrained from hamburger
If you've dealt with hamburger with cheese fries with milk shakes, it explains the painyou feel, these fatty foods fried settle in the stomach for a long time and increases the secretion of more acid.
Avoiding fatty meats and dairy products will certainly reduce recurrent seizures.
Observe your waist
The stomach can be likened to a tube of toothpaste, you then press the tube, from the center, the putty will come out of the nozzle tube, fat around the abdomen is pressingon the stomach as pressing a hand on a tube of toothpaste, but what comes out in this case is stomach acid.
Do not tighten the belt
It is recommended that you think again in a tube of toothpaste, many people seek the comfort of cases acidity to wear bras instead of belts.
If you lift something heavy, bend your knees
If I bent when your stomach pejorative press it, and push the acid to rise to the top.
Bend your knees, This is not a just a way to control the acid, but it is also helpful for your back.
Check your pharmacy
You may find the cause of your pain hiding inside, has caused some drugs andsedatives aggravate situations acidity, if you suffer from acidity and dealing drugsdescribed by your doctor, it is advisable to review your doctor.
Moderated in your intake of spices
Valtwabl is not always useful, Valvfil chili and other spices may look like more foods that cause acidity, but not as well.
Many of the patients acidity they can eat spicy foods without feeling more pain, butthere are others who can not afford it.
Beware acids but do not mitigate them
The acidic foods such as oranges and lemons may look like causing acidity, but theDNA that contain these foods it has nothing to do with acid, which is produced byyour stomach, and suggests that you make your stomach is decided by the impact ofthese foods.
Pledged to dine early evening tomorrow
Do not eat during the two hours and a half, who preceding bedtime. Sleeping and stomach filled with acid-reflux paid to the esophagus'.
Take life simply
The tension may cause an increase in the secretion of acid in the stomach, has beenhelpful, some good relaxation techniques to alleviate stress, and allow you to re-balance the body's chemistry, which suffer from lack of balance.
Medical Warning: You may be an ulcer or a heart attack!
If you suffer from acidity on a regular basis, without any apparent reason, it has cometime to consult with your doctor.
How many episodes of infection? Twice or three times a week for more than fourweeks, and so as a rule through experience and practice, although the acidity is usually caused by acid reflux, but he warns that it may be a symptom of an ulcer.
The cases of acidity accompanied by any of the following symptoms should be examined by a doctor quickly has meant a heart attack injury
- The presence of difficulty or pain when swallowing
- Accompanied by vomiting blood
- Stools accompanied by blood or black stools
- Difficulty breathing
- Head rotor
- Pain in the neck and shoulder
In addition to this, I know that the acidity, which is due to acid reflux usually worsenafter meals, if increased acidity worse before eating, it may be a presentation on theincidence of stomach ulcers.
Another alternative: Herbal Treatment
Go to the nearest health food store and you will find a number of herbs known to bedealt with acidity, that some herbal remedies relieve acidity and saves them, such as:
Ginger root: This plant more plants useful in the treatment of acidity. It seems that the acid is absorbed and works to calm nerves
Taken in the form of capsules immediately after food, start eating capsules then increase the dose as needed, and you'll know you've dealt with enough in the sense of when to start the taste of ginger in your throat.
Plants time: there is a group of herbs called time plants, which are used in many parts of Europe, is also useful for cases of acidity, and examples of the commonroots of the plants time Jntian Gentian and absinthe worm wood and Golden SealGolden seal.
Time plants can be addressed in the form of capsules or liquid before eatingKmstkhrj directly.
Aromatic plants: It is also known for aromatic plants, such as mint and fennel Catmintcats, they are useful in the treatment of acidity.
Outside the grass family: apple cider vinegar: There is a popular treatment for cases of acidity, a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water is half Artchaffh while eating.
It may seem strange to deal with sour then suffer from the problem because ofanother acid, but there are acids useful and harmful acids.