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Do you know what the relationship between the disease and hardening of the arteries sugar?

Many patients suffering from diabetes disease atherosclerosis and heart attacks, is there a relationship between the incidence of disease between sugar andatherosclerosis Is it considered a complication of diabetes?.

Explains Dr. Omar Detector, Professor of Vascular Surgery, Faculty of Medicine at the Palais des Aini that there are many studies that show that there is a relationshipbetween diabetes and atherosclerosis has been found recently that the 1% increasein the level of glycated hemoglobin offset by the 28% increase in the possibility of ablockage of the arteries of the legs and this It is recommended that the American Association of diabetes that is glycated hemoglobin for each patient less than 7%and suggests that the patient seeks to be a hemoglobin level of diabetes in thenormal human any less than 6%.

Dr. Omar and shows that there are fundamental differences between atherosclerosisin diabetic patients, and in non-diabetic patients in which:
Places of injury where infects sclerosis in diabetics arteries popliteal behind the kneearteries and bronchial and peroneal leg, but nevertheless it is 90% of the patientsremain artery or more of the three without injury and is typically the peroneal artery, where he last lifeline of the three fall ill disease.

Dr. Omar indicates that the infection is great and here is limited and affects multiple levels of arteries and affects atherosclerosis patients here in the smaller age andatherosclerosis develops faster here and there is no significant difference in theincidence of the disease in both sexes.
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