How do I know that someone is lying on?
Suppose you met one
of your friends, and has
been drawing a broad smile on his face, and then he told you so sad,
you Stsedkh?
Of course not, because there is a mismatch between what he says and between the signals sent by his face.
You might be asking yourself now, is there anyone that can do the above? Of coursethere is, but we are not talking here about the signals sent by the person and isconscientiously such as smiling, but we are talking about the signals that are sentinvoluntarily by the subconscious mind, and that will enable us to find out if either he was lying or not.
That your subconscious mind controls in each Aalashiyae that occur involuntarily, such as you Altnks, race, feelings ... and so on. When a person stifles truth and lies,in the subconscious mind begins to show just the opposite through body languagebecomes possible to know if someone is lying just to watch you body language.
Of course not, because there is a mismatch between what he says and between the signals sent by his face.
You might be asking yourself now, is there anyone that can do the above? Of coursethere is, but we are not talking here about the signals sent by the person and isconscientiously such as smiling, but we are talking about the signals that are sentinvoluntarily by the subconscious mind, and that will enable us to find out if either he was lying or not.
That your subconscious mind controls in each Aalashiyae that occur involuntarily, such as you Altnks, race, feelings ... and so on. When a person stifles truth and lies,in the subconscious mind begins to show just the opposite through body languagebecomes possible to know if someone is lying just to watch you body language.
Brands appear when polygraph
Body Language
When a person starts lying, he will most likely hiding his hand, would not single outthe back, will avoid considering in your eyes and probably does rub his nose whilelying (this only happens if his conscience Aannbh when lying, for more informationread the articles in the section of body language)Eye movement
According to NLP that all the moving direction of the eye, accompanied by a different function in the brain. If you consider the top left Elly That means that he is inventing an image in his mind but if looked at the top right That means he retrieves a specific image in his mind. How Ntstgdm these truths to lie a lie?Thread is simple, if you ask a person for the color of his car, he began inventing apicture and then you said "Pink Mschsch" That means he does not have a car, he is lying because he invented the image and not retrieved from memory. Of coursedevolves not so simple, that I wanted to know the details, go to page Kelmlh eye movements NLP.