All people want to learn the way to discover them lying so no one can laugh them ordeceiving them that.Tips problem lie detector on the Internet is that it is movable from each other andcontain a lot of misinformation.
Some read most of what has been written on this subject extracted healthier andeasier ways in which you can use to detect lying. And scribes in several articles. Becareful when you use those roads they need to learn patience and you can even use it properly.
How revealing lying
This article is complemented by the previous article, which was titled How do you know that someone is lying. By following up the signs in the article, which you can find out whether someone is lying or not, but remember that one sign not enough, that is, you should find plenty of signs to make sure of that.I want to hide: mostly when the person who would be willing to lie to hide, and by the subconscious mind will be reflected on his stature, it will look and shrank because thecurvature of his spine. Subconscious mind thinks that if the body of a personoccupied a smaller space, it would be hiding
Give a lot of evidence when telling the truth: The person who is accustomed to lyingmostly given a lot of evidence when telling the truth because he knows that sayingalone is not sufficient (because it lies on the back)
Body language: When lying perhaps showing concern for the body language of the speaker (nail-biting, move a lot and sweat) For more information, see page body language.
Incompatibility: lying there is a mismatch between the body language and the words that are said
Fake smile: smile real lead to the muscles that move the eye around the fake smile, they appear only in the lower part of the face
Skepticism: a person who is accustomed to lying mostly Sackk when you hear theother person talking because he will think that everyone is lying as lying
How revealing lying correctly
Try not to rely on only a mark or two marks and lie detector but wait until you see a lotof them.And even if any more than there is no mark on the person's control and judgmentquickly but wait until you see the signs again. The best way to use that informationthat is used to support the decision not to use them in the decision where to buildyour relationship with someone that might be affected much that I thought he was a liar.