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Important Tips must work out by all users of the platform Word Press

There is no doubt that the platform Aluwrdberas first globally in terms of proliferation and use because of its features strong outperform them on all other platforms Kplogr but unfortunately this platform is not for beginners or the gaps are a platform for professionals should be handled with caution and on a permanent basis to ensure and protect the site of penetration is not not a professional or you do not have experience in this field, make sure that your site may fall into the hands of hackers at any moment. 
In this post I will refer you to the general advice is to avoid some of the mistakes that the majority of beginners should focus not on the one hand or protection from the point of lifting the performance of the site while will not sink in technical matters greatly, because it requires many articles or training sessions , the last that you can search for them on YouTube or Google .. 

Use of themes and add-ons worthless: 

The first rule when professionals WordPress Say what is the use of additives, themes and focus only on additions to be very necessary, while not installing any other additional extras. And an advice Never trust additions or templates that are originally paid and find a specific location posed for free because your site is Sdjf price because these additions may be modified by hackers and often contain malicious code can do a bunch of things like redirect users to another site, and injection and links, and create Bacdor and other things can also lead to breakthrough your site directly. And an advice if you're looking for additions or templates do research small for the addendum that you want to download and see if there are major sites use them and then carry them from WordPress or the official website of the developer, while the templates must be purchased if driven from trusted sites such as Theme Forest or other As for the free templates must be cautious and looking for a template developer whether to develop templates used by other Superfund sites, paid or not. 
You can also check the template that it contains malicious code by Theme Authenticity Checker . 

Ignore updates 
It is the most important reason to penetrate thousands of sites Word Press as with increasing your visitors might be interested in other things and leave interest update additions and mold and podium Valthaddathat are often to plug security holes so if you do not update the doors will be open to hackers to penetrate your site with ease, of course, and responded Bryce alerts on the control panel whenever there is a new update,but if you want to receive alerts to your e-mail for any update for the platform or template and add ons you can use WP Updates Notifier . 

Backup regularly ignored 
The most important point in the field of protection is to take proper precautions for the post-penetration Whatever provided protection for your site, make sure that it may break someday, especially for users of WordPress, so you should take backup copies of your site on a regular basis, for example, once a month or every week ... so that you can restore Back after the break so as not to waste your effort and possibly a source of sustenance, who spent a long time working on it. 
There are services require you to back up a few dollars, such as VaultPress orBackUpBuddy while there are free services 
Such BackWPUp or BackUpWordPress 

Non-use of additives caching (Caching Plugin)   

Page load speed of the most important parts of SEO so it's important things and the main use of such additives for Word Press platform because it will accelerate your load time dramatically than ever before in addition to other features. For this purpose, you can use some additions such as W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache , and if possible, try toalways use (Content Delivery Network) such as MaxCDN or Cloudflare (FREE) along with the caching plugin, and this increases the speed of your site. 

There are a lot of categories and tags (Tags) 
There are a lot of do not understand the difference between the Tags and categories hear and be guided always try to put the least possible number of categories, and I advise you not to exceed ten categories because if this number is much more than your site will become untidy and difficult to focus on the reader. 
While the tags (Tags) must be directly related to the subject and is placed randomly, and this will help improve your site and lifting it. 

Final words: 
There are of course a lot of mistakes is located where users Aluwrd Bryce shall be corrected and we can not put all the tips for beginners in a single article or two articles so we invite you to share tips and experiences in the space for messages. 

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