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Make-up e .. the latest innovations from Japan

الماكياج الإلكتروني .. أحدث الابتكارات من اليابان

Many people think that the use of technology confined in the industry, health and other fields Avenue, but it seems that modern technology will become part of the arts as well, and perhaps the Japanese innovation on the latter (b Make-mail) opens the door for Mzoajh between technological and artistic and aesthetic as well.

Make-up mail is a new innovation from Japanese artist (Nubomiche ASI), which is known for the experience of art is another display different images on the facades of buildings or cars, but this time opens the door to a new experience is intertwined with the technology and the art of beauty or make-up may constitute a revolution in this area, especially for women.

And the principle of (make-up-mail) on the idea of ​​making a face as a front for viewing by shining the light of a projector it allows dividing the face evenly and thus know the final shape of the face through the effects inflicted upon, and made this process as well as through a special program prepared for this purpose and holds Name Omote was designed by designers numeric and specialists in the art of make-up in Japan. 


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