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Weight Loss For Womens / pregnant / Over 50 years

Easy Weight Loss Tips for womens

If You are Looking for an easy way to loss weight ? Take A walk

  Walking for weight loss

When you want to shed serious weight, walking might not even come to mind. But it should. 
The steps and moves presented in this specific workout/walk can be done anywhere and by nearly anybody who already walks upright and has arm mobility, they include using most muscle groups on multiple planes, they use arm movements which can REALLY elevate the heart rate, they use complex compound movements which are TERRIFIC for coordination and reflexes, and even include balance steps which I've found are CRUCIAL for everybody, especially as they age.
 The best walking routine that doesn't make you look nuts is intervals. Walk at a "normal pace" for a few minutes and then really speed it up for 1 minute, return to "normal" for 1.5 minutes. Continue for at least 20 minutes - 30 with a warm up/cool down. It's a real fat burner.


1-Skinny women believe in eating regular small meals and not overeat...The secret to being a Skinny woman is to eat regularly, small meals 4-6 times a day so that you make up for your calorie requirements for the day without overeating.

2-Skinny women do not deprive themselves of any food... Skinny Women eat everything that they like but just keep off a few high calorie sugary foods, alcohol

3-Keep moving all day long: Sneak workouts in wherever you can.

Take a little time to asses your current activity level.

This allows you to set realistic goals and choose activities appropriate for any physical issues you may have.

4- Always have a Second plan for eating and exercise. 

The majority of Usa womens who are busy juggling work, family,
and home and don't always have time to get to the gym, prepare the best food,
 or find the healthiest restaurant. If you can't make it to the 7 AM. spin class,
don't skip your workout altogether and try, try to squeeze in even a 10-minute walk at lunch or after work, or do the first 20 minutes of an exercise DVD at home or 10 minutes of push-ups and sit-ups if you don't have time for more. Consistent, smaller changes really do add up over time.
And always stock your freezer with a few healthful frozen meal options and frozeen vegetables.

5- How to Lose Weight for Women Ladies through Sport Activities ! with Some Action

Weight lifting : is very helpful to reduce your weight. It decreases your blood pressure .
Swiming : While swimming, all of the muscles work simultaneously. But on the other side, it increases your appetite also, so control your eating habit while doing swimming
Running : A woman weighing approximately 160 lbs, running at 6 1/2 miles per hour for 30 minutes burns around 370 calories.
Aerobics : exercises reduce mental and physical stresses to a large extent. Aerobics exercises can reduce up to 9 lbs within 12 days, if performed under proper guidance.
Cycling : a popular, trusted and effective weight loosing exercise. Cycling is considered a rigorous exercise and increases your stamina .
Rope jumping : few minutes delivers results very fast. You may notice the results within 15 days. 10 minutes rope jumping at 120 steps/min burns the same calories as is burned during 2 miles cycling in 6 min or 12 min swimming or running 1 mile in 12 minutes.
Wii games : Women using Wii games can lose even up to 12 kg weight in a year.

6- Move it to lose it. Research shows that people who do physical activities such as walking or biking for two to four hours a week during weight-loss efforts lose an extra 3 to 5 pounds over a year.

7- Weight loss after pregnancy

When you were pregnant, you might have adjusted your eating habits to support your baby's growth and development. After pregnancy, proper nutrition is still important — especially if you're breast-feeding. Making wise choices can promote healthy weight loss after pregnancy.
keep Focused on fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Eat smaller portions
Avoid temptation
Eat only when you're hungry

8-How to Lose Weight for Women Over 50
For women over 50,Find new and fun activities , the waist-to-hip ratio, which is your waist circumference divided by your hip circumference, may be a better indicator of health risks than your body mass index, which is the relation of weight to height.


    Check with your physician before deciding how much weight, if any, you need to lose or before starting an exercise program.
    Allow muscles to rest 24 to 48 hours between workou

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