After the decision issued by the Court of Justice of European, which provides for theright of each user Antrnett to delete all search results and links pointing to the threadsof his own went the Microsoft approach Google, not optional, but an application of what was brought
by the legal text, which has developed a form made available tousers Alantrnett who wish to delete their information from the search engine Bing.
And has issued a decision after this one offers users Alantrnett Spanish nationality of the request to delete the information on the debt due to him in 1998 and that stillappear in the search results.
And Google has said that after the issuance of the form late May, reached during theone-day equivalent to 12,000 request to delete, and this number increased to nearly70,000 request ماي 29 and June 30 of 2014.
And the right to remain in oblivion as it is called, and a way for many users to improvetheir image on the Web and is a right enjoyed by far the bulk of the citizens Arubans,waiting to be circulated to the whole.